Photo by Coletivo de Escalada de Lençois

Donating through a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a powerful way to support our mission while maximizing your philanthropic impact. A DAF allows you to recommend grants to nonprofits like ours from funds you've set aside for charitable giving. To make a donation, simply log in to your DAF account and search for our nonprofit by name or EIN (84-4133618), or contact your DAF manager. Then, recommend a grant in the amount you'd like to contribute. Be sure to include our mailing address and contact information, if required. Your generous gift will help us continue our vital work, and we deeply appreciate your commitment to making a difference!

General donations (unrestricted funds) allow us to channel support toward our programs of greatest need, but we also welcome donations targeted toward a specific area of our impact. Please have your fund manager contact to get in touch and discuss opportunities for support. Thank you!

Information you may need to provide to your Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

Nonprofit name: The Global Climbing Initiative Inc.

Tax-Exempt Status: 501(c)(c) Nonproft

EIN (Employer Identification Number): 84-4133618

Mailing Address: 2855 Rock Creek Circle Unit 104, Superior, CO 80027

Phone number: 720-655-2766

Email address:


Please contact with any questions.