The Mountain People Podcast: Climbing Life Kenya

Discover the transformative power of skill sharing at Climbing Life Kenya, in collaboration with the Global Climbing Initiative.

In this episode, Rab athlete and coach Marcus Garcia, Liz Ndindi and Dani Dobrot join host Andy Cave as they reflect on their journey of growth, empowerment, safety and inclusivity as they guide an emerging climbing community on the road to self-discovery.


Sends and Suffers Podcast: Veronica Baker

Mario Stanley sits down with GCI Executive Director Veronica Baker to discuss the transformative power of climbing

“The goal of all nonprofit work is to work yourself out of a job because the existing inequalities are solved. So if we have incredibly thriving climbing communities all around the world that are then able to help their neighbors, that will then break down systems of hierarchy in the climbing world, which is the long-term goal.”


The Enormocast: Prerna Dangi and Dani Dobrot

Dani and Prerna discuss the growth of climbing in India and GCI’s mission to power the work of climbing communities worldwide

"In India, as women, we are all seen through a certain lens. I really want to shatter that lens and I think that climbing is one of the movements that could. Women have not had the chance to be in a space where they are actually allowed to be themselves and encouraged to do so."


The Power Company Podcast: Prerna Dangi

Prerna Dangi provides a window into the evolution of climbing in India, and her efforts to break the mold as a rising professional climber

Prerna Dangi is on a mission: expanding the sport of climbing in India across all disciplines, and forging connection among climbers on a local and global scale.


The Power Company Podcast: Veronica Baker

Our Executive Director discusses the mission of The Climbing Initiative and the challenges facing the global climbing community


The Nugget Climbing Podcast: Tyler Algeo

Tyler Algeo shares his experiences founding Climb Malawi and helping The Climbing Initiative amplify local voices in our sport.


The Climbing Advocate Podcast: The Climbing Initiative

Access Fund’s podcast, hosted by Peter Horgan, sat down with Veronica Baker and Dani Dobrot to learn about TCI’s origins, mission, and work

Listen to the episode on Spotify, Soundcloud, or Apple Podcasts!