Connect with Hao Sheng (浩晟) at @mosburgers
Hao Sheng (浩晟)
Impact Consultant
Hao Sheng (浩晟) holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and is an Associate Principal at the CrossBoundary office in Palestine, supporting investments that foster Palestinian economic resilience. He sits on the board of Mwamba Climbing, a startup building Uganda’s first climbing gym, and collaborates closely with socially driven organizations under the Global Climbing Initiative's impact consulting teams. He brings to the team his international experiences from competing on Team USA (Collegiate), as well as his knowledge of outdoor access, crag-development, and coaching/mentorship. During his Fulbright Fellowship in Taiwan and while developing climbing areas around Asia, he was amazed how climbing brought individuals together from all types of cultural upbringings. By capitalizing on the diverse backgrounds of a multinational climbing community, Hao Sheng (浩晟) believes that we can share valuable insights on how these societal differences can build sustainable ecotourism industries, improve sports education, and empower individuals from all backgrounds.